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What according to you is the best country to get a good education in terms of all round development?

Posted - November 18, 2017


  • 5835
    Nobody even knows what a good education is. If you read "Dress For Success" by John Molloy you will see some advice that has no resemblance to what any school adviser tells his charges. 

    The world uses the "academic" model. Akademos was a grove near Athens, sacred to the goddess of wisdom. Membership was by invitation only. They claimed ownership of all knowledge and anything discovered by an outsider was ignored. Aristotle was the most famous member. Two thousand years later his name is still a synonym for "arrogant jerk". For two thousand years there was no science: there was only Aristotle.

    Schools existed only for slaves. Free families taught their children at home, or apprenticed them into a trade. The slave school system was adopted in India for the lower classes. Later it was adopted by Prussia to train soldiers. Eventually it was adopted in the USA for public schooling, and then by the UK. The only change in the system is that two thousand years ago classes were conducted while walking outside, and now classes are conducted while seated inside. The modern experiments with home schooling are the first attempts to escape the slave school system.

    The Lost Tools of Learning
    The Underground History Of Public Education
      November 18, 2017 5:52 AM MST